Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Art of the DACA Car Deal

DEMS:  I am interested in that DACA
              car.  Is it still available?
REPS:   Oh sure, it’s a great car.  Lots of people like it.  The DACA car is good to go,  but it’s a package deal!
DEMS:  A package deal? 
REPS:   Sure, it’s a very popular car.  Great car!  It comes with a Chain Migration garage. 
DEMS:  What?  If I buy the DACA car I need to buy a Chain Migration garage too?
REPS:   Yes, like I said it’s a really great car.  The Chain Migration garage is next to the Lottery Migration home.  The home is part of the car deal too.  Great huh?
DEMS:  What?  Are you crazy?  Your ad only mentions the car.  What are you talking about?
REPS:   You want the car, right?
DEMS:  Sure, it’s a great car.  I want it.
REPS:   Oh.  I thought you were playing me for a minute.  The car is in the garage, which is next to the home, and the whole property is surrounded by a big, beautiful wall.  That’s the whole car package.  It's fantastic!  Do you want the package or not?
DEMS:  Are you joking?  I only wanted the car. 
REPS:   I AM SERIOUS.  Like I said, it’s an extremely popular car.  It’s a package deal!  Take it or leave it!
DEMS:  Well, yes, it’s an awesome car.  Just give me a second.  So, how much is this package deal? 
REPS:   It’s an incredible deal for only $70 Billion!  But hurry, we don't have a lot of time!

          DEMS:  OH MY GOD!  I only wanted to buy a car!  Why so much? 
          REPS:   Most of the cost is for the wall.  We haven’t built it yet, but the house and garage are all done.
          DEMS:  Ok.  That helps.  How much if we take out the wall?
          REPS:   The wall is in the f**king car deal!  It doesn't come out.  You aren't taking me seriously.  I don’t have time for your stupidity.
           DEMS:  Look, I contacted you about a car.  It's a great car and I really want it.  I’ve wanted a car like this for years.  I’m willing to talk about the garage and the house, but the wall is over the top.  I just can’t pay for that wall.  What can you do on that?
REPS:   So you’re saying you don’t want the car.  Sad!
DEMS:  I just said I really want the car!  What is wrong with you?  How about I just pay for part of the wall?
REPS:   Part of the wall? THAT'S AN INSULT! It's' a glorious wall! You either want the car or you don’t. I told you it’s a package car deal. I've been straight with you all along.  I don't have time for your insults.  Are we done here?
DEMS:  I guess I can’t take the car.  You're asking way too much for it.  I never wanted a stupid wall.

DEMS:  You just posted that the car is no longer available.  Did you sell it to someone else?
REPS:    No, I crushed it.
DEMS:  Crushed it?  What the Hell?  Why?
              REPS:   You didn’t want it.  Huge 
              DEMS:  Yes I did!  I said I wanted it!  I said 
                            it repeatedly!  You really destroyed it?
              REPS:    NO!  You destroyed the DACA car.
              DEMS:  What?  Are you crazy?  You just said 
                             you crushed it.
              REPS:   Everybody liked that car.  I can’t 
                            believe you destroyed it.
              DEMS:  But you said you crushed it!
              REPS:   The car is gone because YOU   

                     THE END

Tony F.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

We Are All Mostly Wrong

This is a follow up of last week’s post titled “This Argument”.  After a healthy debate with my friends and some additional reading I’ve come to the conclusion the folks on both sides of this gun debate are mostly wrong.  Let me explain:

Last week I said “I don’t waste my money on things I don’t need”, and I was mostly wrong.  In truth, I really don’t need most of the things I have.  I choose them.  The original meme was also mostly wrong, “Give me one reason you need an AR-15”.  Need is not a prerequisite to ownership of anything and my friends made that clear.

Anyone who thinks guns can or should be banned in this country is mostly wrong.  Please look up the disaster called “Prohibition”.  The 18th Amendment was passed in 1920 to prohibit the use of alcohol.  For the next 13 years the illegal production and consumption of alcohol spawned an industry so large the U.S. government had to give up the fight.  In 1933 the 21st amendment reversed   Alcohol won.  There are 350 million guns circulating in the U.S. – more than one gun for each person.  We cannot change the hearts of people simply by changing the rules.  There will be bloodshed.  Let’s consider what it would take to change the 2nd Amendment.  An Amendment to the Constitution requires the vote of 67% of Congress, followed by ratification by 75% of the States.  If you think we can get 75% state approval of a gun ban you are mostly wrong.

The 2nd Amendment gives all Americans the right to bear arms on the principal that a well armed public is capable of policing a tyrannical government, but if you really think we can police the U.S. government you are mostly wrong.  After World War II the U.S. military complex became so powerful that a well armed public stands no chance in strategic battle.  Our government has tools far greater than anything we could own.  A well armed public will not be much more than a nuisance against our military.  In a strategic sense we would lose the war in short order. 

Then again, if you think the prior paragraph destroys the 2nd Amendment you’re mostly wrong.  American forces have a long history of defeating countries in war but not gaining control of the people.  The North Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Afghans all lost wars against the U.S. but the people never surrendered.  They resisted for years.  They made their own bombs, they formed human shields, they dug tunnels, and they hid in caves.  They did not back down, so America backed out.  You cannot change the hearts of people.  Without surrender, 350 million guns will be impossible to beat.  In the end we would not police our government.  We would lay the country to ruins - a Pyrrhic victory which might be enough to deter a tyrannical government.

Gun owners who talk about the “slippery slope” of gun control are mostly wrong.  Assault rifles were actually banned from 1994 to 2004.  Ironically, this is when the attack on Columbine High School occurred.  If there was a “slippery slope” gun bans should have gotten worse at that time.  The opposite happened.  Assault rifles are no longer banned.  No slippery slope. 

If you think assault rifles are the problem you are mostly wrong.  Assault rifles have been featured in recent mass shootings but there are many, many weapons that are capable of carrying out similar degrees of destruction and death.  In fact, the worst case of U.S. school terrorism was carried out in 1927 with no gun at all.  One man killed 44 people - mostly children - with a home made bomb.  

The problem with America these days is our desire to exaggerate things we are mostly wrong about instead of trying to find sensible solutions to our issues.  Why are we not discussing the fact that the background check system is mismanaged?  Why are we not discussing the fact that the Parkland shooter was reported to the police and FBI before he attacked - he even posted a public threat against the school - yet he was still free to carry out the attack?  Why are we not discussing the fact that current “controls” are woefully inadequate due to under funding, lack of enforcement, and complete incompetence?  Why are we not talking about age restrictions?  Why are we not talking about ways to report and investigate suspicious behavior?  Why are we not talking about universal background checks and banning of bump stocks?  Why are we not talking about sensible limits on ammunition?  Instead we are only talking about banning all guns or not banning all guns.  We are wasting each other’s time and we are mostly wrong.

If you think the kids from Parkland, Florida are marching for a gun ban you are mostly wrong.  The originators of the march only made 3 clear and simple requests:
You might think these requests are mostly wrong, but I am certain that doing nothing about mass shootings is completely wrong.  Write your congressperson about your idea to protect our kids while still protecting the 2nd Amendment.  This is how we police our government.  Anything else would be mostly wrong.

Tony F.

Friday, March 23, 2018

This Argument

I have seen several FB posts like this in the last two days.  One other response I've seen is, “Give me one reason why I don’t need one.”  Ok, fair enough.  I suppose it is none of my business what you legally own.  I also suppose it would be unreasonable for me to decide what you need or do not need.  I can only speak for myself.  Let me tell you why I don’t need an AR-15 or a handgun or any other weapon for that matter.

I don’t fear death.
I don’t need power.
I don’t have enemies. 
I don’t want superiority.
I don’t need to impress anyone.
I don’t have anything to prove.
I don’t worry about being robbed.
I don’t hunt, and I don’t judge hunters.
I don’t need tools to increase my confidence.
I don’t fear the police or the U.S. government. 
I don’t waste my money on things I don’t need.
I don’t have any desire to kill anything or anyone.
I don’t need to protect my things because my things are replaceable.
I don’t flaunt my things to the point that would lead someone invade my home.
I don’t exaggerate the probability of being attacked.  It’s a one in 20,000 chance and I don’t have that many days left to live.  I'm not worth attacking anyway.
I don’t think it is my place to defend the U.S. against a foreign invader.  We have the best fighting force in the world.  If invaders make it to my house they’ve lost the war and I'm not better than them.
I don’t see any phrase in the New Testament of the Bible that suggests we should ever bear arms against anyone.  Wisdom is better than weapons of war”  Ecclesiastes 9:18  for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”  Matthew 26:52

These are my reasons for not needing an AR-15.  So, although it is not any of my business what you own, I have the right to the opinion that you are probably a fool for owning an AR-15.  You probably own it because you fear your government, or you think you will be attacked, or because you waste your money on things you don't need, or you want to impress your friends, or your gun makes you feel stronger, or you like the idea of killing something or someone, or you indeed have enemies.  I am entitled to the opinion that  your gun ownership is probably motivated by fear or weakness or low self esteem or paranoia or even evil.  I'm guessing you are not motivated by self confidence, logic, goodness, or religion.  I'm guessing you own an AR-15 for all the wrong reasons.  Why else would you have enemies?  Why else would you fear attack?  Why else would you need an AR-15?  Why else would you refuse to answer the question?

So, does anyone have the guts to answer the original request?  Give me one good reason you need an AR-15.  So far, I've only seen non-answers.  Seriously, think about it.  Why?

Tony F.