Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Immorality of sex

The Bible clearly states that homosexuality; specifically male to male sexuality is wrong, so wrong in fact it is punishable by death.  The Bible also clearly states that adultery is wrong, thus punishable by death.  This punishment is also set forth if a man has sex with a single woman and fails to take her hand in marriage.  If a woman is found not to be a virgin upon marriage, she may be stoned to death.  If a married woman is raped in a populated area and fails to get attention by screaming for help, both she and the rapist shall be stoned to death.  A man who spills his semen on the ground in an attempt to avoid impregnating a woman shall surely die.  So as you can see, homosexuals, adulterers, unmarried lovers, rapists, rape victims, and users of birth control are all rated on the same level that is worthy of death.  Many young lovers today believe they should retain their virginity by engaging in oral sex, but these acts, when carried out between unmarried people, are also sins worthy of death.  Moreover, no single person is guilty of such a sin.  Lovers cause each other to sin.  In the Middle East, stonings are carried out on a frightening number of women each year despite the fact that their alleged male sex partner is equally guilty and goes free.

Most of these laws are cited in Genesis, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy and are cited by nearly all major religions.  Clearly the laws of the Old Testament are harshly structured to support virginity, marriage, procreation, monogamy, and family structure.  But there are a couple exceptions:  the Bible is not very clear about lesbian relationships, nor is it clear about masturbation when no other person is present.  These are interesting exceptions from such a rigid structure, but evidently God figured it was no big deal.  Consequently it stands to reason that the laws of the Bible are geared mostly toward the prevention of disease and promotion of births. Evidence dictates that masturbation and lesbianism are highly unlikely to spread disease when compared to any other sexual act.
The bottom line here is that unmarried heterosexuals and male homosexuals are all equal sinners in the eyes of the Bible. Heterosexuals rise above this scrutiny only through marriage, procreation, and omission of birth control.  So the truth remains, it is a small minority of people, if any, who are righteous enough to criticize any other for homosexuality or permiscuity because they are all guilty of equal sin.   1Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."  This is quite a list of sinners all placed on the same list together!  Evidently a sin is a sin is a sin.  According to the Bible there is very little difference between one sin and another.

This rash of immorality, gay or straight, is nothing new.  The world is not suddenly going to hell in a hand basket.  The Bible itself documents entire cities (Sodom & Gomorrah), and even the entire world (during Noah’s Ark) filled with sin and immorality to the extent that “not a single righteous man existed among them”.  So, if any faction of society is to claim that they are the “moral right” I find their claim hard to believe.  Like everyone else I am not perfect.  No birth control?  Really?  Yes!!  So who are we to judge anyone else, gay or straight?  As Jesus said, he who is without sin may cast the first stone.    
Tony F.

1 comment:

  1. That may be one of the most well thought and well worded views that I have read. I fear that those who are "righteous" may not truly take it in (although I could certainly be wrong and would be delighted to be so), but as a fellow sinner, let me assure you that I did.
