Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things I Wish Conservatives Would Ask

As a compassionate society, what should we do with the people who are less able than us?  Like those with low I.Q’s, physical problems, poor social skills, disfigurements, and learning disabilities - the kind of people that most companies will not hire or keep - what should we do with them?  Do we really believe they should be able to make a living on their own?  Who will hire them?

As lovers of human life, how can we spend less time condemning young women who are thinking about abortion, and help them embrace the blessings of parenthood?  How will she work and raise her baby at the same time?  Should we assist her with her child?  Can she make enough money to send her child to college?  Who will hire her?  Do we really believe calling her “sinner” will help her love God and feel blessed with her child?  Is this what Jesus would have done?

As a nurturing society, how can we help the children of failed parents?  What should we do for kids whose families don’t support them or guide them?  Who will guide them if we don’t?  Is our condemnation helpful? Is being poor and useless a motivation in itself?  Do we really believe people are okay with living at the bottom?  Do we really believe people choose not to do better?  What can we do with people who give up hope?  How can we teach them differently?  Is it truly their fault? Can they be changed?  Who is teaching them to fish?

Do we really believe slashing entitlements is the best thing we can do for the elderly?  What should we do for the old folks if entitlements are gone?  Do we really believe they will make a living if they suffer enough?  Where will they live?  Who will hire them?

What should we do with people who are unable to work?  Like people with real illnesses and disabilities - what should we do with them?  How will they live?  Should we care?

How is it that America is enjoying a higher standard of living with all this Socialism going on?  Do we really believe social programs are the cause of national debt, joblessness, and social decline?

Did the Bible ever say, “Let suffer the poor, the elderly, the sinners, the sick, the meek, and the dumb.”?  Did the Bible say “Ignore the least of men and they will improve”?  
Did the Bible ever say, “Protect the wealthy, and all will prosper”?  

In the end, what should we believe?

Tony F.  2013

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