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Terence Jeffrey |
In Jeffrey’s theoretical second camp, those who “take and
take”, he implicated non workers, part time workers, workers who qualify for
food stamps, women, and workers who qualify for tax credits. These descriptions encompass every single one
of us, including Jeffrey himself.
Although Jeffrey’s factual data cannot be disputed, his implications
and conclusions are despicable. In order
to make these destructive conclusions, he had to leave out huge amounts of
contrary data:
He did NOT tell us that in 16 presidential elections
since 1952, 13 were decided by non-full time workers, while only 3 elections
were controlled by full time workers.
The problem he describes is actually the historic norm.
He did NOT tell us that the opposite is true in EVERY off year
election due to low voter turnout. Full
time workers theoretically control the outcome of ALL off-year elections.
He did NOT report that overall employment per capita has been higher in the last 30 years than ever before in U.S. history, with the exception of the war effort during WWII.
He also did NOT report that the recent increase of part time time workers is due to the lack of job openings after 2008, not due to people who are unwilling to work.
He also did NOT report that welfare benefits expanded
significantly during the 1970’s and are remaining fairly consistent with the 40
year average relative to GDP. There are
more people on food stamps today, but each recipient is getting a smaller share.
He did NOT report that government expenditures have been
shrinking over the course of the Obama presidency, down by 3.3% of GDP since
Bush’s 2009 budget.
And lastly, he did NOT report that Reagan tax reforms required poverty level workers to pay taxes while the wealthy
enjoyed major tax cuts. Reagan cut top
tax rates to the lowest levels in 50 years, which continues to cause growing deficits.
It’s as if Jeffrey hen-pecked his data to create an
extremely right-biased article. Funny
thing, since CNS News claims to eliminate bias. Conservatives repeatedly accuse liberals of lying, while creating loads
of misinformation like the above. Jeffrey’s
friends in the media have taken his article and run with it: Hannity, Limbaugh, and other AM radio hosts
use this misinformation to rant about how we live in a taker’s welfare state, how the takers
control elections, and how we had better prepare for the worst by stocking up
on guns and ammo. It’s as if
conservatives are hoping for a war. If
there is “class warfare” in this country, it's as if it is being propagated by conservatives.
The bottom line is this:
The percentage of “providers” has risen in the last few decades, reaching
its highest level in 1998 and coming down only a few percentage points in
recent years due to economic change and job competition. The
percentage of “takers” is rising only among the elderly. Overall spending on “entitlements” is up in
recent years due to the increasing population of retired citizens, but Jeffrey doesn't mention this.
He tries to attribute the problem to American laziness, as if that were true.
The wealthiest Americans are paying lower tax percentages than
in the years from 1932 to 1986, yet they are complaining that poverty level
wage earners are not paying enough. It's as if the wealthy are the most "entitled". To
correct Jeffrey’s closing line,
Conservatives have divided
America into two camps: those who work and pay, and those who allegedly take and
take. As if the latter actually existed.
Tony F. 2013